
High-quality sands for landscaping perfection.

Brick Sand

  • Brick sand, also known as bricklayer's sand or masonry sand, is a fine-grained and well-graded sand used primarily in construction and masonry applications. This type of sand is specifically processed and screened to meet the requirements of bricklaying and masonry work. It is valued for its consistency, uniform texture, and compatibility with mortar, making it an essential material in building projects.

  • The characteristics of brick sand typically include:

    Texture: Brick sand has a fine and granular texture, which is crucial for achieving smooth and workable mortar mixes. Its small particle size ensures good cohesion and bonding with other construction materials.

    Colour: Brick sand is usually light in colour, often appearing as a pale tan or beige. This neutral colour complements the appearance of bricks and other masonry materials.

    Grading: It is carefully graded to remove larger particles, debris, and impurities. The grading process ensures that the sand meets specific size and consistency requirements.

    Brick sand is primarily used for mortar production in bricklaying and masonry work. It serves as an essential ingredient in mortar mixes, where it is combined with cement and water to create a strong and durable bonding agent. The mortar made with brick sand provides structural stability and cohesion for laying bricks, blocks, or stone in construction projects, ensuring that the masonry work remains secure and reliable.

    In addition to bricklaying, brick sand is also used for other construction applications, such as stucco and plastering. Its fine texture and compatibility with various binders make it a versatile material in the construction industry. Whether used in residential, commercial, or industrial projects, brick sand plays a vital role in creating robust and long-lasting masonry structures.

Concrete Paving Sand

  • Concrete paving sand, often referred to as paving sand or bedding sand, is a specialized type of sand used in the construction of paved surfaces, such as driveways, walkways, patios, and other hardscape elements. This sand plays a crucial role in the installation of concrete or paving stones, ensuring stability, proper drainage, and longevity for the paved area.

  • Key characteristics and uses of concrete paving sand include:

    Texture: Concrete paving sand has a coarse and granular texture. It is typically free from organic matter, silt, and clay, which ensures that it can provide a stable and well-compacted base for paving materials.

    Colour: It is usually light in colour, often appearing as a pale tan or beige. This neutral colour complements a wide range of paving materials and does not interfere with the desired aesthetic of the paved surface.

    Grading: The sand is carefully graded to meet specific size requirements, ensuring that it provides a consistent and level base for the placement of concrete pavers or paving stones.

    Concrete paving sand is used primarily for creating the base or foundation for paving projects. Here's how it is typically used:

    Preparation: Before laying concrete pavers or paving stones, the existing ground is excavated to the desired depth, and any necessary sub-base materials are added and compacted. Concrete paving sand is then spread evenly over the prepared surface.

    Levelling: The sand is carefully levelled and smoothed to create an even and uniform surface. This levelling process helps ensure that the pavers or stones will be laid evenly and securely.

    Compaction: The sand is compacted using a compactor machine to create a stable and firm base. Compaction minimizes the risk of settling and ensures that the paved surface remains level over time.

    Laying Pavers: Once the concrete paving sand base is properly prepared, concrete pavers or paving stones are laid on top of it. The sand provides a secure foundation that allows for precise placement of the paving materials.

    Joint Filling: After the pavers are in place, additional concrete paving sand is often swept into the gaps between the pavers to create a stable and aesthetically pleasing joint filler.

    Concrete paving sand is an essential component of quality paved surfaces. It promotes even weight distribution, minimises settling, and allows for proper water drainage, contributing to the durability and longevity of the paved area.

Filter / Landscape Sand

  • Filter sand, sometimes referred to as landscape sand, is a specialized type of sand primarily used for filtration and drainage purposes in various applications, including landscaping and construction. It is known for its uniform particle size, high purity, and excellent drainage properties, making it suitable for a wide range of projects where effective filtration and drainage are essential.

  • Key characteristics and uses of filter/landscape sand include:

    Texture: Filter sand typically has a fine to medium texture, with uniform and well-graded particles. Its consistency ensures that it allows for the efficient passage of water while retaining solid particles.

    Colour: Filter sand is generally light in colour, often appearing as a pale beige or tan. Its neutral hue makes it compatible with various landscaping and construction materials.

    Purity: Filter sand is processed and screened to remove impurities, organic matter, and contaminants. This high level of purity is crucial for its effectiveness in filtration and drainage applications.

    Filter/landscape sand has a wide range of applications in landscaping and construction, including:

    Drainage Systems: It is used as a drainage layer in various construction projects, such as beneath retaining walls, walkways, patios, and driveways. The sand facilitates proper water drainage, preventing water buildup that could damage structures or landscapes.

    Septic Systems: Filter sand is employed in septic systems and leach fields to help filter wastewater before it is absorbed into the ground. The sand acts as a natural filter, removing impurities and allowing cleaner water to infiltrate the soil.

    Agricultural Drainage: It is used in agricultural applications to improve soil drainage and prevent water-logging, which can be detrimental to crops.

    Pool Filtration: In swimming pool and pond filtration systems, filter sand is often used as the filtration media in sand filters. It effectively traps particles and debris, leaving the water clear and clean.

    Sports Fields: Filter sand is used in the construction of sports fields, particularly in the drainage systems for fields like soccer, baseball, and golf courses.

    Golf Bunkers: It is a common choice for filling golf course bunkers due to its ability to provide proper drainage and maintain the integrity of the bunker's shape.

    In summary, filter/landscape sand is valued for its consistent particle size, purity, and drainage properties, making it a versatile material for applications where efficient water filtration and drainage are crucial. Whether used in landscaping, construction, or water treatment, filter sand plays a critical role in maintaining the functionality and longevity of various projects.

Fine Wash Sand

  • Fine wash sand, also known as washed sand or washed masonry sand, is a high-quality and versatile construction material used for various building and landscaping applications. This type of sand undergoes a thorough washing and screening process to remove impurities, silt, and clay, resulting in clean, well-graded, and fine-grained sand with excellent properties for specific uses.

  • Key characteristics and uses of fine wash sand include:

    Texture: Fine wash sand has a fine and granular texture, making it ideal for applications where smoothness and evenness are important. Its small particle size ensures good workability and compatibility with various construction materials.

    Colour: It typically appears as a light-coloured sand, often pale beige or tan, which complements a wide range of construction and landscaping materials.

    Purity: Fine wash sand is processed to have high purity levels, ensuring that it is free from contaminants, organic matter, and debris.

    Fine wash sand finds application in a variety of construction and landscaping projects, including:

    Masonry and Brickwork: It is a preferred material for mixing with cement and water to create mortar. The clean and consistent texture of fine wash sand ensures that the mortar mix is smooth, easy to work with, and provides strong adhesion between bricks, blocks, or stones in masonry projects.

    Paver Installation: Fine wash sand is used as a bedding layer for the installation of concrete pavers or paving stones. It creates a level and stable foundation for the pavers, ensuring proper alignment and preventing shifting over time.

    Play Sand: Due to its cleanliness and fine texture, fine wash sand is often used as play sand in sandboxes or play areas for children. It provides a safe and enjoyable surface for play.

    Sandboxes: Fine wash sand is an excellent choice for filling sandboxes in residential and educational settings due to its cleanliness and child-friendly properties.

    Landscaping: It can be used as a topdressing for lawns and gardens to improve soil structure, drainage, and texture. Additionally, it is suitable for creating decorative sand features in landscaping projects.

    Golf Course Bunkers: Fine wash sand is commonly used to fill bunkers on golf courses, providing a consistent and smooth surface for golfers.

    In summary, fine wash sand is a versatile construction material valued for its cleanliness, fine texture, and suitability for various building and landscaping purposes. Whether used in masonry, paving, play areas, or landscaping, it contributes to the quality and durability of a wide range of projects.

Packing Sand

  • Packing sand, also known as fill sand or utility sand, is a type of sand often used in construction and landscaping for its practical and versatile properties. It is specifically chosen and processed to meet the requirements of various projects, including filling voids, levelling surfaces, and providing a stable foundation for construction work.

  • Key characteristics and uses of packing sand include:

    Texture: Packing sand typically has a coarse to medium texture, with well-graded particles. Its consistency allows for proper compaction and stability when used as a foundation or filling material.

    Colour: It is typically light in colour, appearing as a pale tan or beige, which blends well with most construction and landscaping materials.

    Grading: Packing sand is screened and graded to ensure that it meets specific size and quality standards, providing uniformity in construction applications.

    Packing sand has a wide range of applications in construction and landscaping, including:

    Foundation Filling: It is used to fill trenches, holes, and voids in construction projects, providing a stable and compacted base for further construction materials or structures.

    Utility Trenches: Packing sand is commonly used to backfill utility trenches, such as those for water, gas, or electrical lines, ensuring proper compaction and support around buried pipes or cables.

    Landscaping: It is used to level and prepare surfaces for various landscaping features, such as paving stones, retaining walls, and decorative structures.

    Concrete Preparation: Packing sand can serve as a bedding layer beneath concrete slabs or foundations, promoting even weight distribution and reducing the risk of settling.

    Sports Fields: It is utilised in the construction of sports fields, particularly in areas requiring proper compaction and levelling, such as baseball infields or soccer pitch foundations.

    Erosion Control: Packing sand is sometimes used in erosion control projects to stabilise soil and prevent soil erosion.

    Packing sand's versatility and compatibility with various construction and landscaping materials make it a valuable choice for filling, levelling, and stabilising surfaces in a wide range of projects. Its use enhances the overall durability and stability of structures and landscapes.

White Brick Sand

  • White brick sand is a specialised type of sand used primarily in construction and masonry applications where a clean, light-coloured sand is desired. It is named for its pale white or off-white appearance, which sets it apart from standard masonry sands. This sand is processed and graded to ensure it meets specific size and quality standards, making it an ideal choice for various building projects.

  • Key characteristics and uses of white brick sand include:

    Texture: White brick sand typically has a fine to medium texture, with well-graded and uniform particles. Its consistent particle size allows for good workability and bonding with other construction materials.

    Colour: The most distinguishing feature of white brick sand is its light colour, often appearing as a pale white, off-white, or very light beige. This colour is prized for its aesthetic appeal and compatibility with light-coloured bricks and masonry.

    Purity: White brick sand undergoes careful processing to remove impurities, organic matter, and contaminants, ensuring a high level of purity and cleanliness.

    White brick sand is commonly used in various construction and masonry applications, including:

    Mortar Production: It is a preferred choice for mixing with cement and water to create mortar used in bricklaying and masonry work. The clean and light color of the sand ensures that the mortar mix remains visually consistent and complements light-colored bricks or masonry materials.

    Paver Installation: White brick sand can be used as a bedding layer for the installation of concrete pavers or paving stones. It provides a stable and level base for the pavers while maintaining a clean and consistent appearance.

    Joint Filling: After pavers or bricks are laid, white brick sand is often swept into the gaps between them to create a visually pleasing joint filler that complements the overall design.

    Decorative Masonry: In projects where aesthetics are particularly important, such as architectural detailing or decorative masonry, white brick sand is used to achieve a uniform and clean look.

    Landscaping: It may be used in landscaping applications where light-coloured sand is preferred, such as creating pathways or decorative features.

    White brick sand's clean and uniform appearance makes it a favoured choice for projects where the visual consistency of mortar and other masonry elements is critical. Its light colour complements a wide range of architectural and landscaping designs, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal of structures and outdoor spaces.